Георги Янков


2015 - 2019

Ph.D. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Bowling Green State University

2012 - 2013

M. Sc. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Baruch College, CUNY

2010 - 2012

M.A. in Work and Organizational Psychology, Sofia University, Bulgaria

2006 - 2010

B.A. in Philosophy, Sofia University, Bulgaria

2008 - 2009

Exchange year at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland


  • Min, H., Zickar, M., & Yankov, G. (2018). Understanding item parameters in personality scales: An explanatory item response modeling approach. Personality and Individual Differences, 128, 1-6.
  • Yankov, G. (in press). A profile-based approach for investigating the values-personality relationship. Personality and Individual Differences.
  • Yankov, G. (2018). Work Characteristics’ Impact on Entrepreneurial Well-Being and Stress. Manuscript submitted for publication.
  • Yankov, G. (2017).  Between „Is“ And „Ought“: A Philosophical Investigation of Personal Values and Their Application in Managerial Practice. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 37(3),
  • Yankov, G. (2014). WISC-IV: Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses in R. In S. Dzonev, P. Dimitrov & N. Mateeva (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th National Psychology Congress (pp. 367-382). Sofia, Bulgaria: Bulgarian Psychological Society.
  • Yankov, G. (2011). Translation of David Hume’s essays “On Suicide” and “On the immortality of the soul”, Philosophical Alternatives, 4, 5-18.
  • Yankov, G. (2010). The problem of “the body” in the works of Plato. Personality, Motivation, Sport, 16, 123-135. Sofia, Bulgaria: National Sport Academy Press.
  • Yankov, G. (2010). Plato’s political thought in the dialogue Statesman. In D. Gocheva (Ed.), The Roots of Our European Political Past (pp. 53-73). Sofia, Bulgaria: Sofia University Publishing House.
  • Yankov, G. (2006). Philosophizing – contemplation and mutual understanding. Philosophical Alternatives, 3, 99-106.


  • Yankov, G. (2018, April). A Profile-Based Approach for Investigating the Values-Personality Relationship. Poster to be presented at the 33rd annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL.
  • Yankov, G. (2018, April). Designing a Multidimensional Scale of Organizational Gossiping. Poster to be presented at the 33rd annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL.
  • Yankov, G. (2018, April). Three Presentations on Funding the I/O Start-Up. In G. Yankov (Chair), Toothless Shark Tank: Monetizing I/O Science. Alternative session presented at the 33rd annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL.
  • Yankov, G. (2017, April). The Dark and Light Side of IER personality. In N. Bowling (Chair), Do I Have Your Attention? Measuring and Predicting Careless Responding. Symposium presented at the 32nd annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Orlando, FL.
  • Yankov, G., & Gallagher, C. (2017, April). Meta-analyzing Intrinsic Motivation’s Relationship to Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Poster presented at the 32nd annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Orlando, FL.
  • Min, H., Zickar, M. J., & Yankov, G. (2017, April). Understanding Item Parameters in Personality Scales: An Explanatory Item Response Modeling Approach. In M. J. Zickar & H. Min (Co-chairs), Item Response Theory: New Directions for Research and Practice. Symposium to be presented at the 32nd annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Orlando, FL.


  • Shanklin award for research excellence in the social and behavioral sciences by the graduate college of Bowling Green State University (2017)
  • Fulbright scholarship by the American-Bulgarian Fulbright Commission (2012-2013)
  • Master’s studies grantee of the American Jewish Committee (2012-2013)
  • National golden medal for secondary education – state valedictorian (2006)
  • Honorary student of the city of Veliko Tarnovo (2006)
  • 24th place in the 14th UNESCO International Olympiad in Philosophy, Cosenza, Italy (2006)